This is why I should’ve attended to this yesterday. If I did, I would’ve already discovered that I didn’t have it yet. Then, I would’ve been able to get the learning guide today.

And this is why I bought that phone in the first place! So I can go online whenever I need to. Now that the phone is gone, well, it’s in the shop but there’s little hope of its recovery, I can’t do that anymore.

I’d have to go tomorrow. I can’t get over this.

This is really unbelievable. How did this happen? Don’t I always download the whole thing first?

Then again, it’s on PDF now and I was probably just too confident that I’ve downloaded the whole thing already when, in fact, I haven’t because I do remember the connection being awful that day.

And has been for long enough. I really can’t believe this. This never happened before.

This is stupid beyond stupid. What? I gathered the rest of the materials but not the learning guide? How could that even happen? And I’ve been online more than once since I gathered these materials and I didn’t even notice that I didn’t have the learning guide?!

How stupid can I get?!

Maybe this is that something that I couldn’t remember doing when I felt like I was forgetting something last Thursday. Oh, wow. How did this even happen?