So, it’s Friday and I haven’t started on this unit’s studies for the UoPeople. I’ve missed an entire study night. But’s it’s all good.

My classmates and I went on a trip to another classmate’s place. We spent about half the morning preparing our food and just about the entire afternoon at the river. It was quite fund. A lot of mishaps, of course. They always happen. But, fun, yeah.

I was practically exhausted when I arrived back. I didn’t even think I could still eat supper but I had to. Besides, I didn’t even have the time to get my learning materials for the unit.

And, today, there’s that feeling again. Like last time… When I’m just happy, really happy and for no apparent reason. It’s so weird an experience but I like it.

And, no, I’m not high. I’m not on drugs. I don’t do drugs. Heck, I don’t even drink alcohol! And to top it off, I kinda received news this afternoon which should probably make me sad but I’m not. I wonder if my body is just reacting wrongly to that news.

(Speaking of which, I need to send that return mail.)

Anyway, it’s Friday evening. It’s been a really good evening, so far. I intend to keep it that way.

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